
i'm such a failure

is sunday! rotting alone at home,coz i gt nothing to do.
ohya happy mother's day too. see so sorrowful, dunno where my family gone now. guess they are enjoying outside now.
before they went out this morning, my mum leave a msg - guai guai stay home and study.
see!!!!!! so sien sial...
if u really understand me well, u shud know wat i'm doin now. wahaha. (ofcoz i'm blogging now)
i rather spend my time browsing the net, watch all the dramas, or juz staring at the monitor.
if i go out with them, i'll feel so sorry to myself, next week exam!!! n i havent started anything yet!! and my frens all are swallowing their notes now!
n i still so slack.
but minority of them hor...fake fake appear offline... but playing their facebook ...i caught u all d. yay gimme 5! we same type shud stay together!


心雨 said...

ahahaha ...

stranger said...

dun study, watch movie. it's rhyme~haha!